Reggie continues to pee on the carpet. The sad truth, he's always peed in a couple of places down stairs, even though the litter boxes are kept five feet away and they are the automatic kind so they are always clean. But, as I've said, he's starting to pee on the carpet in front of the book cases, and I've now got my lower bookshelves covered in tin foil, for fear he may end up ruining more of my books and TPBs. This is clearly a behavioral thing. I've already got one cat on Prozac, and don't really want to medicate Reggie. We've had him checked for urinary infections, and he's okay. So I don't know what to do. Putting him outside on a permenent basis is not really and option, and getting rid of him would destroy me.
Any ideas on how to stop him from peeing on the carpet?