From this:
To this?!?!!:
Sorry, ladies... I hate to break the bad news, but Kid Layman is officially off the market. As some of you may know, I have been living with a "roommate" for some time. However, things recently have gotten a little, shall we say, less
platonic, recently, largely due to the copious amounts of alcohol I kept in my
very well-maintain liquor cabinet. Anyway, the girl is obviously smitten, and I thought it high time to give her a chance. Honestly, after being such a notorious "playah" for so long, being "unavailable" for a while has become more and more appealing to me. I thought I'd give it a shot.
By the way, in case you were wondering, my current... "girlfriend," (sorry, I'm still getting used to the word,) is the one pictured in the lower photo. I can't recall precisely when it was taken. The gentle waif in the upper photo is someone whose name currently escapes me, but she was clearly one of my many admirerers-- and another of the many Satisfied Layman Ladies™!!
By the way, girls, if you are reading this and in a pit of despair, don't call the Suicide Hotline just yet... odds are this new monogomy thing I am experimenting with will not last!
Stay tuned-- and keep the home fires burnin'! *wink!!*