Thursday, August 31, 2006

On sale last week: SENTINEL SQUAD TPB and XENA #2

I meant to blog earlier, but I've been fucking BURIED in scripts and pitches and miscellania.

For all you rushing to the comic book store to buy my books, I hope they aren't sold out!!

Decimation: Sentinel Squad and Xena #2, standard cover.

But, wait! There's more!

Xena #2 with no logo and Xena #2 photo cover!

Xena #2 Fabiano Neves cover and Xena #2 Neves "negative" cover.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Quote of the day:

"It's a odd thing with John Layman - from seeing him on talkboards, he's clearly a funny bright guy - but his comics?

They seem to be a study in mediocrity."

--JoeZhang, from the Newsarama message boards

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Now for some REALLY big news

Alice Donut's new album, Fuzz, is available for pre-order at!!!

Saturday, August 19, 2006


uh.... uh....

Looks like I'll be staying with the girlfriend for a little while longer.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Life with a girlfriend: DAY 5 --the end is in sight

Blackberries are in season, and yesterday me and my girlfriend walked to the park, holding hands, and picked a bunch (they grow wild all over Seattle.) Later we mixed them up with vanilla ice cream and ate 'em, and it was pretty good.

But, oh, Jesus Christ, this monogamy thing is getting monotonous. I think I was destined to be a single man, a carefree bachelor leading the wild life.

I think tomorrow I give my girlfriend her walking papers.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Life with a girlfriend: DAY 4

Not only do I have a girlfriend, but apparently so does Ruggles. Being Level 60 gets all the chicks!

So, yeah... anyway, not only do I spend every frickin' waking hour of reality with my new girlfriend, I adventure with her character in World of Warcraft.

Not sure how much longer I can take this togetherness stuff. And that goes for Ruggles, too!

Ruggles at Level 60. Romantically encumbered!

Ruggles at Level 55. Unstoppable.

Ruggles at Level 48. Sergeant!

Ruggles at Level 43. Natty!

Ruggles at Level 32. Deadly!

Ruggles at Level 10. Stylin'!

Friday, August 11, 2006

Life with a girlfriend: DAY 3


My new girlfriend is so awsome she went out and bought every single Xena #1 variant.

She bought the standard Billy Tan cover!
And the Fabiano Neves cover!

And the photo cover!
And the foil logo photo cover!

And the foil logo Billy Tan cover!
And the "reverse image" Billy Tan cover!

And even the B&W Billy Tan cover!

Man, isn't my new girlfriend awesome?!?!?!

*Though to be honest, this also strikes me as a little bit clingy and pathetic.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Life with a girlfriend: DAY 2

Oh my god! Having a girlfriend is AWESOME! Why didn't anybody ever tell me how great this "being in love" stuff is?!?! Man, people should write songs about it, or something.

Anyway, me and my former roommate, now girlfriend have been having a total blast. Walking in the park holding hands, sunset strolls on beaches, candlelight dinner, slow dancing. Holy freaking crap! This is the GREATEST!!! Man, I should have given up my former life as being a player a long, long time ago.

And this feeling of suffocation and the walls closing in... that's a normal part of it, too, right?

to be continued...

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Stop the presses:

From this:

To this?!?!!:

Sorry, ladies... I hate to break the bad news, but Kid Layman is officially off the market.

As some of you may know, I have been living with a "roommate" for some time. However, things recently have gotten a little, shall we say, less platonic, recently, largely due to the copious amounts of alcohol I kept in my very well-maintain liquor cabinet. Anyway, the girl is obviously smitten, and I thought it high time to give her a chance. Honestly, after being such a notorious "playah" for so long, being "unavailable" for a while has become more and more appealing to me. I thought I'd give it a shot.

By the way, in case you were wondering, my current... "girlfriend," (sorry, I'm still getting used to the word,) is the one pictured in the lower photo. I can't recall precisely when it was taken. The gentle waif in the upper photo is someone whose name currently escapes me, but she was clearly one of my many admirerers-- and another of the many Satisfied Layman Ladies™!!

By the way, girls, if you are reading this and in a pit of despair, don't call the Suicide Hotline just yet... odds are this new monogomy thing I am experimenting with will not last!

Stay tuned-- and keep the home fires burnin'! *wink!!*

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Previewing Fuzz

The Donut rocks again!!!

Madonna's Bombing Sarajevo

Days Away