Sunday, July 22, 2007

OMG! I think Cyber-Bullying is the most cool and awesome thing EVER!!!

Oh, man, Cyber Bullying is TOTALLY awesome! I don't see what everybody is complaining about. I've just started Cyber Bullying lately and, boy, is it a blast. It's a GREAT way to harass people, and still maintain anonymity. Plus, I love the idea of saying things online to people I wouldn't say to their face. I'm telling you, Cyber Bullying is the way to go, it's totally emboldened me and boosted my self esteem.

I found this awesome chart online, and it's been really helpful (although if I ever talk online to the person who made the chart I'll tell him what an asshole he is--HA!! Cyber Bullying at its finest!!) Anyway, this chart is a handy sort of "how to" guide to Cyber Bullying, and I absolutely LOVE it! I've totally aced the middle column, because I think it's way more fun to be mean over the internet than in real life. My next step is to master the art of "defamatory libel!"

Anyway, I'm going to keep this blog entry short, because I am really dying to get back to Cyber Bullying.

So see you 'round the internet... jerk!!


Anonymous said...

It's no joke, my neighbor's kid was bullied at school, so they had to start home schooling him. Then, he was bullied on the Internet, so now's he's limited to a CB radio. The parents went to the smokies, but they were no help. And "Dateline" just laughed when the parents asked the show to investigate all the eighteen wheelers that are suddenly in the neighborhood.

N. J. Pozner said...

Layman, you suck, and you're stupid too.

Hey, you're right! This is awesome!

Anonymous said...

You're a bunch of idiots, and I hope someone calls you all mean names. As I understand it, the worst kind of cyber bully is one who uses harsh language.


Hahaha, wow, cyber bullying is AWESOME!

Anonymous said...

Start a pro cyberbullying website. :) Because somebody has to teach idiots thats its simple as not reading the internetz. And all its lies.

Anonymous said...

Hey Layman,
You are stupid! How dare you say things like that! My sister is badly cyber bullied, and it could have been YOU!!!!!!! You are horrible!! I wish someone is gonnabe mean to u!
If you think dat is fun then you need 2 get a life!
And I haven't enjoyed saying this but I HAD too!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

hey layman
i've got (bad)news for you- everytime you use your computer you leave a trace. everytime you cyber bully its traceable back to you!!!!!!!!

so next time --- think again anonmity doesn't exist. don't forget big brother is always watching!!!!!
-cyber bullying is dumb- only cowards do this- get a life!!!

Anti-bully said...

Layman, do you really think that cyber bullying is cool? If so, then you must have been living on another planet.

If you got too far in cyber bullying, you could get hunted down and killed. Is that you want?

As for you people who support cyber bullying, I apply those things to "crusher" to you, especially you hypocrites who support cyber bullying even though you call each other names.

The hypocrites who I'm referring to are Anonymous 1 and N.J. Pozner.

But for Anonymous 3 and 4, I'm against cyber bullying like you. to prove it, I congratulate you for telling Layman off.

So before I go, I'll give you cyber bullying supporters this website:

Anonymous said...

wow i never thought people could be so into cyber bullying i do it to but i dont curse at people nor do i try t make them feel bad i think thats rong usually wen i cyberbuly people they're laughing with me i couldn't ever say something os mean that the other person stops and thinks they are worth nothing and the people who say it is awsome to cyberbully then there is something very rong with you im 16 years old and i know better then that cyber bullying can really hurt you...

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Anonymous said...


Dylan said...

If you're going to kill yourself over being harassed over the Internet, you were probably too stupid to live in the first place.

Get over it, and get on with life...

I'm tired of hearing about these self-centered cunts who kill themselves because they had some derogatory comments thrown at them...


Anonymous said...

WOW!! so people are really taking this blog seriously. I don't think there is any way we can continue to push society into becoming bigger whinney little b!@#hes. I think they sell thick skin at the dollar store go get some. My bad does this make me a cyber bully.

Anonymous said...

Layman. People have committed SUICIDE because of cyber-bullying! How would you like it if a family member was cyberbullied and they committed suicide, or even a near friend? Fuck you, Layman. Just fuck you.

Anonymous said...

First of all its a joke pussys get over it a dikhead made a joke and secondly when the person being bullied can handle it cyber bullying is taking halarious

Anonymous said...

Guys, guys. Don't you see it? First of all, Layman is a failed human and troll.
Second of all, bullying in any form spreads when one person is bullied. Then THEY do it to more people. And then THEY do it to more people. And so the cycle continues.

Anonymous said...

Cyber bullying has caused people to take their own lives and itcan make someones life a living hell so think how would you feel if you were responsible for someone commiting suicide.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Cyber bullying is for lame ass pussys. People who succumb to cyberbullying should just unplug their computers though...

Anonymous said...

cyber bullying isnt even fucking bad i dont give a fuck if someone calls me gay i would call them gay back because its the fucking internet okay you can do whatever you want and if you get butthurt because someone called you gay just like you deserve it

Anonymous said...

you are a dumb cunt if you think that sarcasm post agianst cyberbulling will help stop it i hope you get lowered by all the kids in youre school and you hang yourself and i see it in the news laughing my ass off and doing a little dance with it and all the people supporting anti cyberbulling are little idiots that are too weak too say anything to their bullys or ignore them i hope you drink some bleach one morning

Anonymous said...

If you REALLY think that cyberbullying is cool, answer these questions :

- Does it make you a better person?
- Does it give you more money?
- Does it brings any benefits to you?