Holy crap! This movie was
ass. The first 35 minutes felt like they were written by a retard--on acid--with a crayon lodged so far up his nose its affected what little was left of his cognative functions. I guess the writers felt like they needed to go through all sorts of contortions to explain how a character that "died" in Daredevil was brought back to life. But their "explaination" is just a bunch of senseless flashbacks and meaningless garbage, and by the time the story started --
35 fucking minutes in-- I was reaching for a box of crayons to shove one up my nose and put myself out of my misery. For my money, this was MUCH worse that the much-maligned Catwoman. Between Alias, which is pure fucking nonsense, and Elektra, I figure Jennifer Garner pretty much
deserves Ben Assfleck.

This movie was horrible, true, but nowhere near as bad as what I thought it would be. From what I heard, this was the worst cinematic travesty in years, even worse than Chronicles of Riddick, but, like I said, I didn't think it was near as stupid as Elektra, and no more stupid or insulting than 90% of the crap that comes out of Hollywood. I guess the the best part of this was that it was a wake-up call to the douchbags at Time-Warner to have a little more respect for the characters. I dunno. Maybe that's just wishful thinking on my behalf.

On the other hand, this movie was straight-out GREAT! Up there with my favorite comic book movies, if not my favorite. Keep in mind, the Punisher will never be more than a B-Movie, because it is basically "Death Wish" with a guy in a black skull T-shirt. But I thought this movie had a good mix of gore with ham & cheese, and Thomas Jane did a good job as the Frank Castle. I also think bringing in John Travolta in was a masterstroke. Travolta has jumped the shark long ago, and doesn't even make an effort at acting anymore. So he just mugs and makes a cartoon of himself--and he's absolutely perfect. Also, this movie seemed to borrow quite liberally from Garth Ennis' early Punisher issues, which I enjoyed tremendously. Anyway, I thought this was a good movie, and it's even better if you have a good buzz while you are watching it.